
Android pie chart

An Android chart library that can be customized to a high degree.

Scroll below for examples.

Getting started



XML layout

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

Kotlin activity

val pieChart = findViewById<PieChart>(R.id.pieChart)
pieChart.slices = listOf(
    PieChart.Slice(0.2f, Color.BLUE),
    PieChart.Slice(0.4f, Color.MAGENTA),
    PieChart.Slice(0.3f, Color.YELLOW),
    PieChart.Slice(0.1f, Color.CYAN)

Jetpack Compose

fun PieChartView() {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        factory = { context ->
            PieChart(context).apply {
                slices = listOf(
                    PieChart.Slice(0.2f, Color.BLUE),
                    PieChart.Slice(0.4f, Color.MAGENTA),
                    PieChart.Slice(0.3f, Color.YELLOW),
                    PieChart.Slice(0.1f, Color.CYAN)
        update = { view ->
            // View's been inflated or state read in this block has been updated
            // Add logic here if necessary


1 A classic donut chart

Screenshot 1
pieChart.apply {
    slices = listOf(
        Slice(0.3f, Color.rgb(120, 181, 0), Color.rgb(149, 224, 0), legend = "Legend A"),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(204, 168, 0), Color.rgb(249, 228, 0), legend = "Legend B"),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(0, 162, 216), Color.rgb(31, 199, 255), legend = "Legend C"),
        Slice(0.17f, Color.rgb(255, 4, 4), Color.rgb(255, 72, 86), legend = "Legend D"),
        Slice(0.13f, Color.rgb(160, 165, 170), Color.rgb(175, 180, 185), legend = "Legend E")
    gradientType = PieChart.GradientType.RADIAL
    legendIconsMargin = 8.dp
    legendTitleMargin = 14.dp
    legendLinesMargin = 10.dp
    legendsMargin = 20.dp
    legendsPercentageMargin = 8.dp
    legendsSize = 11.sp
    legendsPercentageSize = 11.sp
    legendsIcon = PieChart.DefaultIcons.SQUARE

2 A donut chart with pointers

Screenshot 2
pieChart.apply {
    slices = listOf(
        Slice(0.3f, Color.rgb(120, 181, 0), Color.rgb(149, 224, 0), legend = "Legend A"),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(204, 168, 0), Color.rgb(249, 228, 0), legend = "Legend B"),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(0, 162, 216), Color.rgb(31, 199, 255), legend = "Legend C"),
        Slice(0.17f, Color.rgb(255, 4, 4), Color.rgb(255, 72, 86), legend = "Legend D"),
        Slice(0.13f, Color.rgb(160, 165, 170), Color.rgb(175, 180, 185), legend = "Legend E")
    startAngle = 0
    labelType = PieChart.LabelType.OUTSIDE
    slicesPointer = PieChart.SlicePointer(18.dp, 24.dp, 0)
    outsideLabelsMargin = 8.dp
    gradientType = PieChart.GradientType.RADIAL
    legendPosition = PieChart.LegendPosition.END
    legendBoxBorder = 2.dp
    legendBoxBorderCornerRadius = 8.dp
    legendTitleMargin = 14.dp
    legendLinesMargin = 10.dp
    legendsMargin = 20.dp
    legendsPercentageMargin = 8.dp
    legendsSize = 11.sp
    legendsPercentageSize = 11.sp
    legendsIcon = PieChart.DefaultIcons.RECTANGLE_HALLOW

3 A donut chart with circular labels

Screenshot 3
pieChart.apply {
    slices = listOf(
        Slice(0.3f, Color.rgb(120, 181, 0), Color.rgb(149, 224, 0), legend = "Legend A", label = "Label A"),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(204, 168, 0), Color.rgb(249, 228, 0), legend = "Legend B", label = "Label B"),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(0, 162, 216), Color.rgb(31, 199, 255), legend = "Legend C", label = "Label C"),
        Slice(0.17f, Color.rgb(255, 4, 4), Color.rgb(255, 72, 86), legend = "Legend D", label = "Label D"),
        Slice(0.13f, Color.rgb(160, 165, 170), Color.rgb(175, 180, 185), legend = "Legend E", label = "Last Label")
    startAngle = 0
    labelType = PieChart.LabelType.OUTSIDE_CIRCULAR_INWARD
    labelIconsPlacement = PieChart.IconPlacement.START
    gradientType = PieChart.GradientType.RADIAL
    legendPosition = PieChart.LegendPosition.TOP
    legendArrangement = PieChart.LegendArrangement.VERTICAL
    legendsWrapping = Wrapping.CLIP
    isLegendBoxBorderEnabled = true
    legendBoxBorder = 2.dp
    legendBoxBorderCornerRadius = 8.dp
    legendTitleMargin = 10.dp
    legendsMargin = 8.dp
    legendsPercentageMargin = 8.dp
    legendsSize = 11.sp
    legendsPercentageSize = 11.sp
    legendsIcon = PieChart.DefaultIcons.SLICE2

4 A classic pie chart

Screenshot 4
pieChart.apply {
    slices = listOf(
        Slice(0.3f, Color.rgb(120, 181, 0), Color.rgb(149, 224, 0), legend = "Legend A", label = "Label A", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_circle),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(204, 168, 0), Color.rgb(249, 228, 0), legend = "Legend B", label = "Label B", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_square),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(0, 162, 216), Color.rgb(31, 199, 255), legend = "Legend C", label = "Label C", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_rectangle_tall),
        Slice(0.17f, Color.rgb(255, 4, 4), Color.rgb(255, 72, 86), legend = "Legend D", label = "Label D", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_triangle),
        Slice(0.13f, Color.rgb(160, 165, 170), Color.rgb(175, 180, 185), legend = "Legend E", label = "Last Label")
    labelIconsTint = Color.rgb(136, 101, 206)
    startAngle = -90
    isLegendEnabled = false
    labelType = PieChart.LabelType.OUTSIDE
    labelIconsPlacement = PieChart.IconPlacement.TOP
    gradientType = PieChart.GradientType.SWEEP
    holeRatio = 0f
    overlayRatio = 0.75f
    gap = 8.dp

5 A ring chart

Screenshot 5
pieChart.apply {
    val customFont = context.resources.getFont(R.font.myCustomFont)
    slices = listOf(
        Slice(0.3f, Color.rgb(120, 181, 0), legend = "Legend A", label = "Label A", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_circle, labelSize = 18.dp.px),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(204, 168, 0), legend = "Legend B", label = "Label B", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_square, labelIconTint = Color.CYAN, labelFont = customFont),
        Slice(0.2f, Color.rgb(0, 162, 216), legend = "Legend C", label = "Label C", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_rectangle_tall, labelColor = Color.RED),
        Slice(0.17f, Color.rgb(255, 4, 4), legend = "Legend D", label = "Label D", labelIcon = R.drawable.ic_triangle, labelIconHeight = 20.dp.px),
        Slice(0.13f, Color.rgb(160, 165, 170), legend = "Legend E", label = "Last Label")
    startAngle = -90
    isCenterLabelEnabled = true
    centerLabel = "Center label"
    centerLabelColor = Color.GRAY
    centerLabelIconTint = Color.rgb(159, 181, 114)
    legendsTitleColor = Color.MAGENTA
    legendsAlignment = Alignment.START
    centerLabelIcon = PieChart.DefaultIcons.SQUARE_HOLLOW
    legendTitleMargin = 14.dp
    legendsTitleSize = 16.sp
    labelIconsTint = Color.BLACK
    labelType = PieChart.LabelType.OUTSIDE
    isLegendsPercentageEnabled = false
    labelIconsPlacement = PieChart.IconPlacement.TOP
    gradientType = PieChart.GradientType.SWEEP
    holeRatio = 0.85f