androidx.media3:media3-*:1.6.0-rc02 is released. Version 1.6.0-rc02 contains these commits.
FLAC: Add support for 32-bit FLAC files. Previously these would fail to play with IllegalStateException: Playback stuck buffering and not loading (#2197).
Add support for float PCM to ChannelMappingAudioProcessor.
Add support for float PCM to TrimmingAudioProcessor.
Fix issue where a player without a surface was ready immediately and very slow decoding any pending frames (#1973).
Exclude Xiaomi and OPPO devices from detached surface mode to avoid screen flickering (#2059).
Fix bug where a stale notification stays visible when the playlist is cleared (#2211).
Add PlaybackSpeedState class and the corresponding rememberPlaybackSpeedState Composable to media3-ui-compose module.
DASH extension:
Fix issue where adaptation sets marked with adaptation-set-switching but different languages or role flags are merged together (#2222).
HLS extension:
Loosen the condition for seeking to sync positions in an HLS stream (#2209).